Series of abstract portraits, 2021. Collab with my partner & fellow artist Hemant Kumar.
Original art 6” x 8” // acrylics, ink, gouache on Strathmore mix media paper.

Bellwether 2021- Full Disclosure pop-up art show & market.
Bellevue Arts Museum. Sept 2021.
The artists “brought their studio to the audience” in this unique, curated show and it was wonderful to be able to interact with, demo and share my art process with all those who came by.
The idea of the •Face2Face• installation was to serve as a fun & friendly inviting icebreaker that made it easier for people of all ages to want to interact with the art and the artist. I got to have some really good conversations with so many new people, and found myself answering a lot of questions about my art, concepts and process.
Such a thrill to be able to show and paint at the Bellevue Arts Museum.